The Carlebach Shul is privileged to have Eli Beer with us this year to lead our High Holiday services along with our acclaimed baal shacharit, Michael Most. Eli is a rising star in the world of Jewish music having composed numerous melodies and performed in locations throughout the United States (including the Carlebach Shul), Europe and Israel.
Eli grew up in Oak Park, Michigan and studied in yeshivot in Detroit and Monsey. At the age of 20, Eli went to Jerusalem to study, first in the Mir and then in Nekuda Tova, a yeshiva heavily influenced by the teachings of Rav Nachman of Breslov. It was in Yerushalayim where he was first exposed and embraced Reb Shlomo’s niggunim. After spending a few years in Jerusalem, Eli returned to the United States in order to expand his music career and further develop his unique style, enrolling in the Belz School of Music. Eli’s songs and melodies are enjoyed by groups across the the Jewish spectrum.
We are greatly looking forward to having Eli, and his wife Dina, join us for the Yomim Noraim.