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3/17 Dinner in Memory of Reb Eli Chaim Carlebach

Reb Eli Chaim Carlebach - Yahrzeit Celebration Reb Eli Chaim, as he was affectionately referred to, was a warm and caring presence in the life of The Carlebach Shul. Reb Eli Chaim opened up the lost world of the Chassidic masters by his Institute’s publishing of encyclopedias of Chassidut. Please join the family and friends of Reb Eli Chaim for this Shabbat. Click Here to reserve

Friday – Shabbat Schedule 03/17- 03/18

Friday Night 03/17 Shabbat Candle Lighting 6:46 PM Mincha  7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat: Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron Saturday Morning 03/18 Shabbat Parshat: Vayakel-Pekudeh & Parshat Hachodesh Morning Services: 9:30 AM Sof Z’man Kriyat Shema: (Gr”a) 10:04AM Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron Musaf: Kiddush following services Pre-Mincha Shiur: Rabbi Naftali Citron 5:40 PM Mincha: 6:40 PM Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron

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