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Friday – Shabbat Schedule 03/07 – 03/08

Friday Night 03/07 Shabbat Candle Lighting: 5:36 PM Mincha 5:50 PM Kabbalat Shabbat: Reb Sammy Intrator Drasha: Reb Sammy Intrator Saturday Morning 03/08 Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh - Zachor Parsha Q&A Shiur: 9:00 AM Morning Services: 9:30 AM Sof Z’man Kriyat Shema: (Gr”a) 9:12 AM Drasha: Dr. Lee Slavutin Musaf: Led by Reb Sammy Intrator Kiddush following services, sponsored by Dee & Dr. Lee Slavutin, in memory of Lee's father, Nathan Pre-Mincha Shiur: Reb Sammy Intrator: 4:45 PM Mincha: 5:30 PM Remember to set your clocks forward one hour before going to bed

03/07 Shabbat Across America Friday Night Dinner

March 7th: Shabbat Across America Shabbat Dinner with Rabbis Naftali Citron & Sammy Intrator We are proud to join thousands of Jews at hundreds of synagogues across North America to celebrate what unifies all Jews – Shabbat! Rabbi Intrator was the rabbi of The Carlebach Shul from 1994 to 2000.  He currently heads Kavanah Life and is a sought after speaker. In addition to joining us for Dinner, Rabbi Intrator will be giving the Friday night Drasha and Pre-Mincha Shiur Shabbat Day Reservations have closed for Shabbat Dinner

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