Saturday night, April 12th: 1st Night Pesach
Yom Tov Candle Lighting (from a pre-existing flame): after 8:15 PM
Ma’ariv: 8:15 PM
Begin preparing for Yom Tov (setting table, warming food from a pre-existing flame etc) after: 8:15 PM
Earliest time to begin the first Seder: 8:15 PM
Click here to reserve for 1st Seder with the Carlebach Shul
Midnight: 12:56 AM
Sunday, April 13th: 1st Day Pesach
Morning Services: 10:00 AM
Sof Z’Man Kriyat Shema: 9:38 AM
Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron
Cake and wine Kiddush following services
Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron: 6:35 PM
Mincha/Yom Tov Services: 7:05 PM
Ma’ariv: 8:10 PM
Yom Tov Candle lighting: 8:16 PM
Begin second Seder after 8:16 PM
Midnight: 12:56 AM
Monday, April 14th: 2nd Day Pesach
Morning Services: 10:00 AM
Sof Z’Man Kriyat Shema: 9:37 AM
Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron
Cake and wine Kiddush following services
Drasha: Rabbi Naftali Citron: 6:35 PM
Mincha: 7:05 PM
Havdalah: 8:17 PM