Friday night, April 18th
Candle lighting: 7:20 PM
Mincha/Yom Tov Services: 7:35 PM
Drasha: Rabbi Avraham Newman
Yom Tov dinner follows services – Click here to reserve
“The Splitting of the Sea”: 11:00 PM
Shabbat, April 19th – 7th Day Pesach
Morning Services: 9:30 AM
Sof Z’man Kriyat Shema: 9:33 AM
Drasha: Rabbi Avraham Newman
Cake and wine Kiddush following services
Drasha: Rabbi Avraham Newman: 7:05 PM
Mincha/Yom Tov Services: 7:35 PM
Drasha: Rabbi Avraham Newman
Candle lighting: 8:23 PM (from an existing flame)
Ma’ariv 8:23 PM
Sunday, April 20th – 8th Day Pesach
Morning Services: 9:30 AM
Sof Z’man Kriyat Shema: 9:32 AM
Drasha: Rabbi Avraham Newman
Yiskor Approx. 11:30 AM
Cake and wine Kiddush following services
Mincha/Moshiach Meal: 6:00 PM
Yom Tov Ends 8:37 PM
Chometz that was sold through the Shul can be eaten after 9:30 PM