Hot Topics and Oneg – Friday, November 12th


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Friday Night, November 12th
Oneg for young professionals, ages 21-34

Enjoy a stimulating presentation followed by an oneg, with brisket, single-malt scotch, dessert, niggunim, and conversation.

With top baalei tefillah and chazzanim from the Upper West Side.

8:30 PM: Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: Living as a Hellenist and Loving It
9:15 PM: Oneg

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald is one of the leaders in the movement of Jewish return in America today. He founded the National Jewish Outreach Program, which sponsors the acclaimed SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA campaign, and established Lincoln Square’s celebrated outreach program. He was also Founding President of the Association for Jewish Outreach Professionals (AJOP). Rabbi Buchwald lectures across the country and overseas and leads experiential programs in cities throughout the world, and has been included in the Forward 50, a list of America’s 50 most influential Jews, and Newsweek’s list of the top 50 Rabbis in America.

Registration required. Cost: $20.