Wine Tasting Event
How to Taste Wines Like a Pro, with Miriam Morgenstern, VP and Associate Publisher of Wine Spectator
Join us at The Carlebach Shul for a California Connoisseur Kosher wine tasting – a unique taste of rare California wines, including Four Gates and Shirah first releases straight from the barrel.
Miriam will lead a seminar on rare wines of the California central coast and Napa, including Four Gates, Shirah, and Covenant.
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM; $100/person, only 40 spots available
Full tasting, with dinner included.
Special thanks to Benyamin Canz of Four Gates and to the Weiss brothers from Shirah Wines.
Thank you to our Chanukah committee: Ellen Lipkis, Chasya Kellman, Sonia Schatzman, Jay Paul, Karen Sutton, and Judy Pollak.