Welcome to The Carlebach Shul

The uniqueness

The uniqueness of The Carlebach Shul lies in its ability to bring together and inspire a wide spectrum of the Jewish population. The unaffiliated Jew, the modern-orthodox, the traditional Chassid, as well as a host of scholars-in-residence all come to pray, sing, dance, and learn together in an environment that embodies holiness, spirituality, and joy. Through Rabbi Carlebach’s inspiration, Friday night has become a time for Jews of all backgrounds to gather at The Carlebach Shul to live the paradise of Shabbos. This legacy is being continued today with fervor and excitement by our spiritual leader, Reb Shlomo’s great-nephew, Rabbi Naftali Citron. The synagogue has blossomed into a haven for hundreds of Jews who come every week to live 25 hours of Shabbos bliss. What is the secret of our success?

Our secret

Our secret is rooted in two fundamental Torah teachings: Neshama Yeseira, a special soul we receive on Shabbos, and Lechem Mishnah, the two loaves of bread we have on Shabbos commemorating the double portion of Manna we received in the desert for Shabbos. Finding the special Shabbos souls who are hungry for G-d (the Neshama Yeseira) and feeding them the double portion (Lechem Mishnah) is our goal.

Reb Shlomo's teachings

Indeed, in order to reach the lofty goal of a never-ending Shabbos, The Carlebach Shul, together with its rabbi, is dedicated to bringing Reb Shlomo's Torah teachings to Jews of all backgrounds in an atmosphere of warmth and joy.

Go to Shlomo’s Page

Special times

Although every day is truly special at the Carlebach Shul, there are certain days and certain events that are a must for us. Among the most special times at our synagogue are Selichos night, Hoshanah Rabbah, Simchas Torah, Chanukah, Tu B'Shvat, Purim, our beautiful and touching weekend-long commemoration of Rabbi Shlomo's Yahrzeit, and our Yom Tov celebrations.

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Our History

Congregation Kehilath Jacob, known as the Carlebach Shul, is an established landmark of Manhattan's West Side. It is certainly one of the most unique synagogues in New York City, possibly in the world.

Go to History Page

Our Rabbi

Our President

Board of Trustees

Office Staff


  • Dr. Moshe Sokolow
  • Rabbi Naftali Citron
  • Rabbi Meir Fund
  • Yitzy Weinberg
  • Rabbi Avraham Newman
  • Raphael Kellman

Guest Speakers

  • Channah Schafer
  • Dr. Rabbi Itamar Eldar
  • J. H. (Yossi) Chajes
  • Daniel and Neira Sharabi
  • Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
  • Rabbi Label Lam
  • Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto
  • Judith Leventhal
  • Rabbi David Aaron
  • Rabbi Nehemia Polen
  • Emuna Witt
  • Shimona Tzukernik
  • Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
  • Rabbi Nosson Schafer
  • Dr. Moshe Rothkopf
  • Rabbi Herschel Reichman
  • Chaya Adler-Poretsky
  • Rabbi Chaim Miller
  • Dr. Moshe Idel
  • Neshama Carlebach
  • Neila Carlebach
  • Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald
  • Rabbi Sammy Intrator
  • Rabbi Doniel Katz
  • Dr. Sharon Flatto

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